Thursday, April 1, 2010

Finding Confidence, Thursday, April 1, 2010

Confidence comes from knowing who we are in Christ as we live for his purposes.

Apply Your Findings

  1. What judgments do you make about yourself that are, in fact, untrue?  What is something wonderful about you that you tend to undervalue?
  2. How do you typically respond when someone says something flattering about you?  Is it hard for you to receive a compliment?
  3. Do you fail to stick up for yourself when someone challenges what you know to be true?
Optional Activities
  1. Make a list of the talents you believe God has given you.  Be specific and don't leave anything out, no matter how insignificant YOU may think it is.  Ask your husband or a close friend to help if you would like.  Spend some time praying through this list.  Thank God for each talent He has given you and ask Him if there is a way that you can better use this talent for His glory.
  2. Is there an area of your life where you feel the Lord leading and yet you have a lack of confidence about the matter?  Challenge yourself to boldly put absolute trust in the Lord and to follow His guidance.
  3. Make a list of all of the lies or mistruths you believe about yourself.  Add to this list any comparisons to others you may make about yourself.  Pray to the Lord and turn these things over to Him.

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