Thursday, February 18, 2010

I Believe - My Calling (Day 3)

3.  I believe that I am to reverence my husband.

In a letter to the members of the church at Ephesus, Paul instructs each wife to "see that she reverences[s] her husband." (Ephesians 5:33b).  In other words, I need to show my husband respect.  A long time ago I made a commitment to never say anything critical or unkind about my husband to or in front of others.  Have I always achieved this goal?  No.  But, I believe that you don't truly respect someone if you are constantly criticizing and/or mocking them, whether to their face or behind their backs.  This is just one way that I have chosen to reverence my husband.  In addition, I have chosen to thank my husband for the things he does for our family - working multiple jobs to pay the bills, helping out with the cleaning and cooking and home schooling.  True, I don't have to thank him for this help, I could just expect it and complain when he doesn't help or provide as much as I would like.  However, I have learned that I can show him my respect by simply verbalizing my appreciation every now and then.

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