Monday, February 22, 2010

I Believe - My Ministry (Day 1)

While my most important job here on Earth is to be a helpmeet for my husband (I Believe - My Calling), I believe that my most important ministry is that of raising my children.  That's right, I believe that my primary mission field is right here in my own home.  Before I turn my focus to matters outside, I believe I must pour my energy and efforts into the little souls on loan to me from God.

1.  I believe that I must teach my children.

I believe that the Bible is very clear on this point.  There are numerous verses which instruct mothers to train up their children and to instruct their children in God's commands and laws.  One of the first commands that might come to mind is, "Train up a child in the way he should go:  and when he is old, he will not depart from it." (Proverbs 22:6).

Let me be brutally honest here.  If there is one area that I was lax in when I first because a parent, this was it.  I relied too heavily on the church and school to train my children.  While these can both be excellent supports for my efforts, I am convinced now more than ever that I am to be the primary resource for my children when it comes to the things that God wants them to know.  For my daughters, that means life lessons on modesty, hospitality and keeping their homes, being a Godly wife and mother, and numerous other topics.  Being honest once again, I tend to rely on my husband to instruct my son in various areas of life which I had never really concentrated.  I am referring to Proverbs 31:1.  Of course, most Christian women are familiar with verses 10-31 of this chapter, as they set forth the qualities of a virtuous woman.  What really caught my attention in this reading was that this description of a virtuous woman was being recited to a son, by his MOTHER. That's right, I believe that it is my responsibility to guide my son when it comes to women and, especially the type of woman he should marry.

This teaching can be both direct and indirect to be effective.  I can directly teach Bible truths to my children in the form of Bible studies, devotionals, and lessons in our homeschool Bible classes.  I also need to remember that my children learn as much from me when I am not teaching them as when I am teaching them.  In other words, they are always watching and learning from me, even when I am not actively trying to teach them anything.  Therefore, I must make it a point to model Biblical behavior at all times.

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