Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Harnessing Stress, Wednesday, March 24, 2010

How Can We Channel Stress to Work for God's Glory and Our Good?

Discover the Eternal Principles

Wednesday: Finding time to be alone with God is essential to our spiritual health and is rejuvenating to our mind in times of stress.  Matthew 14:3-23.
  1. Upon hearing about John the Baptist's death, why was the immediate response of Jesus to withdraw to a solitary place?  Why do you thing Jesus chose to pray alone, instead of with the crowd or with the disciples?  Why is spending time alone with God essential?  How does it help you in times of stress?  How does time alone with God differ from corporate worship?  Why are both important?
  2. Once we have spent time alone with God, we need to allow ourselves diversions from the stress.  Our physical bodies need time to rest, and our minds need time to recover and relax.  Even God rested when he finished creating the world; certainly we do not need less.  What happens when we do not take time to rest?  What do you do to relax during stressful times?
  3. In her stress management seminars, Charlotte Sutton suggests prioritizing activities into categories of critical, important, and unimportant to help with time management.  How could prioritizing help us find time for solitude and rest?  What would be on your critical list?  What do you consider unimportant?  What would you say are the priorities of Jesus?  What should our priorities be?

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