Saturday, March 13, 2010

What A Crazy Week

Whew...I wasn't sure Saturday morning would ever get here.  This has definitely been an interesting week around our house.  Looking back, I am amazed that the kids were able to finish all their planned school work for the week and that my house is relatively clean.

Of course you will recall that my husband had knee surgery on Monday, so we knew this week was going to be a little different as he would need some down time to recover.  Then there was the trip home from the surgery center when we got a flat tire in the pharmacy parking lot and spent some extra time waiting for a wonderful friend of ours to drive so far out of his way to change my tire.  When I went to bed Monday night (by myself, since my husband couldn't get into our bed for the first few nights) I really thought all the excitement for the week was over.  How wrong I was.

My husband spent most of the day Tuesday trying to rest, which was very difficult for him since he couldn't find a comfortable position for his knee.  Around 11:30 Tuesday night, we were both still up in the living room when his phone signaled that he had a new e-mail.  As he read it he started laughing.  He handed me his phone so I could read the e-mail.  It was an invitation to come to Shreveport, Louisiana for a fellowship interview.  A while back, my husband applied for a position through the Louisiana Teaching Fellows program.  This program places new teachers in at-risk classrooms...and they are interested in my husband.
As Tuesday turned into Wednesday my husband and I checked out the interview details on-line.  He could interview at the end of this month or near the middle of April.  We decided not to select an interview time until Wednesday morning, when at least one of us would be coherent.

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday were filled with scheduling an interview (he decided on the March date), making travel plans (thanks to a dear friend who is also a travel agent who helped us with this one), and watching our emergency fund rapidly dwindle away.  By the time we went to bed Friday night my husband had vouchers for his round trip flight, a voucher for his rental car, and a confirmation of reservations for a hotel in Shreveport.  And to think, when I went to bed on Monday night, I believed that the flat tire ordeal would be the most exciting part of my week.  Ha.

As for the fellowship opportunity, we are both experiencing a range of emotions.  We are excited at the prospect of my husband getting this position - he is very interested in teach in a public high school and we feel that he would be wonderful in this type of setting.  We are also confused - we don't know a single person in Louisiana and we are unsure if God wants us to move so far away from our friends and family.  We are nervous - for the interview and the long trip so soon after my husband's surgery.  We are overwhelmed - at the thought of getting our house ready to sell and then selling it in such a bad market.  I for one am thrilled at the thought of living somewhere with many more warm days and much less snow.  And on and on the list goes.

We are trying to concentrate on the day to day as we wait to find out if this is where God wants us.  Through it all, it is so comforting to know that God has a plan for us and that He already knows where we will be this fall.

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